In an effort to nip a dangerous practice in the bud, the USHJA Rules Committee is taking a hard line against monograms in Hunter competition. Effective immediately, any visible monogram will be judged as a major fault that may result in elimination at the judge’s discretion. “It’s all about tradition,” says committee member Agatha Whistlebottom, “Of course everyone has a monogram for towels, handkerchiefs, correspondence and the like—but flaunting it is just classless. What do people think this is? Jumpers?” The committee felt a response was necessary after several high-profile hunt-seat riders posted images of their tack rooms full of mongrammed items on Instagram. They fear that the next generation will be indoctrinated to a culture of poor judgment and immorality. Monograms are also said to pose a safety risk, since the departure from tradition distracts so much from the horse. “The monogram mania we are seeing—on all kinds of items like helmets, whips, belt buckles, etc.—it’s completely unacceptable. I see one monogram, and I become so fixated on it, I barely notice what the horse is doing,” says a judge who preferred to remain anonymous. “I can’t imagine the riders do either.” Riders and competitors remain divided on the issue. Many younger riders see no problem with the trend. Or wait ... it's APRIL FOOL's DAY ....