Rolex Grand Slam talked with Luigi Baleri, the owner of Clooney 51. Rider Martin Fuchs and Clooney have had a tremendous career together. The first time Baleri saw Fuchs ride he immediately knew he should invest in some good horses for the Swiss rider.
Owner of Clooney 51, Luigi Baleri told Rolex Grand Slam the story of how he met Martin Fuchs and why he decided to take Fuchs under his wing to provide him with the best horses possible. "One day I was in training with Thomas Fuchs, and he asked me to do five strides between two obstacles, but I couldn't do it. So he said that even a child was able to do ti. I didn't believe him, so he brings a kid to show me. Obviously that kid succeeded, so I said "he might be lucky", so he tried again and he did it brilliantly. Then he told me "I can do it 10 times if you want", and that kid was Martin Fuchs. It's at that exact moment that I said to myself that I need to buy horses not for myself, but for him", told Luigi Baleri.
Fuchs and Clooney took gold in the European Champions from Rotterdam in 2019, took the Vice Champion title at the World Equestrian Games in Tryon in 2018. They also have recorded numerous five-star Grand Prix and World Cup victories throughout their time together. After returning back home from competing at the Olympics in Tokyo, the accident sadly put an end to his career in de sport.
Source: Rolex Grand Slam