We heard that you have a ‘condition’ called Equencylopidia. Should we be worried?

“Haha! No, luckily that is nothing to worry about. Over the years I have learned and read a lot. So, people say that my head is full of equine facts and figures." 

What is the weirdest fact you know?

“Ah that is a good question. I would have to say that is about Michel Robert. I read somewhere that he learned to ride horses by riding sheep first. I thought that was hilarious and I never forgot it. He is one of the most knowledgeable and decorated horsemen I know, so to learn his career started like this is quite extraordinary.”

You are a well-liked commentator and auctioneer, but you are also an avid breeder. Please tell us a bit about that.

“I have always been very passionate about breeding. Breeding has a lot going for it!  It is a social happening really. The actual breeding is between you and your vet but everything around it like the stallion approval, mare tests and foal inspections, breeding evenings where you can meet and talk to likeminded people are social events that I like to attend.”

“Breeding itself has something magic about it. In a way you create anything you desire and of your choice. You choose mare A and stallion X and really make something special that will live on for 20 year and will hopefully provide people pleasure in different ways. Even if you don’t breed the next world champion or create an untalented jumper, in the end the horse might end up as a great family horse to go on hacks with. Your horse will be the best horse for someone, and it will be something unique that came to life because of your choices.”

Breeding the perfect horse is like trying to breed a unicorn. How difficult or easy do you consider breeding to be?

“In breeding you are never right and never wrong. It is not mathematics where one plus one equals two. There will always be discussion and rivalry. But I think it is exciting that with one specific mare or stallion you can have it ‘wrong’ for ten years, but the eleventh year you can have it so right! It not only depends on the pedigree, the whole process of training and finding the best rider also plays a big part. But I feel it is a pretty cool concept that in breeding everyone can be wrong but also right. It is all about creating the best conditions and start to a horse’s life, so that they might eventually grow up to be a super star.”

You’ve been in the breeding game for over a decade. How has your perspective on breeding changed over the years?

“Breeding has evolved a lot since the first time I tried my hand at it. I’d compare it to life in general or to being a rider. It is a learning curve. I’ve had to make mistakes along the way to get better. As a breeder you also go through fazes and make mistakes that you have to learn from. I look at breeding with different eyes as I did ten years ago but the basics are still the same. You can learn and read as much as you want, which is crucial I think, but you still have to go through the fazes of trying and not always succeeding. There are no real shortcuts. You can buy an expensive mare or filly and have a breeding plan but that does not give you any guarantees. The chances of success are pretty much evenly spread, and I think that is pretty cool.”

Click here to read the full interview. 

Source:  © Eva van den Adel