The composition of the groups will evolve over the course of the season according to sporting performance. Olympic and Paralympic Group 1 brings together the best-performing couples eligible for selection to the 2022 World Championships. 

International Group 2 is the successor to Group 1.  

The composition of the two groups is as follows:

Group 1

Morgan Barbancon and Sir Donnerhall II (by Sandro Hit)

Isabelle Pinto and Hot Chocolat van de Kwaplas de la Gesse (by Sir Donnerhall I)

Group 2

Alexandre Ayache and Holmevang's Jolene (by Johnson)

Pauline Basquin and Sertorius de Rima IFCE Z (by Sandro Hit)

Charlotte Chalvignac Vesin and Icaro das Figueiras (by Epico das Figueiras)

Maxime Collard and Cupido PB (by Painted Black)

Corentin Pottier and Gotilas du Feuillard (by Totilas)

Jean Philippe Siat and Lovesong (by Locksley)

Source: Dresspod