The major test of the day brought together fifteen of the world's best combinations. So many riders determined to fight it out, supported by a large number of spectators in the packed stands of the HUBSIDE JUMPING in VALENCE. The ringmaster Grégory Bodo had concocted a trick allowing the riders to tighten their turns more or less to gain time in this speed event. In all: twelve obstacles, including two combinations, making fourteen efforts for the contenders for victory. France, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland and Spain were at the start. The faults were scattered all over the obstacles, with the verticals number 3 and number 11 at the end of the course costing the most.

Marie Pellegrin and Boreale de Fondcombe, who are currently in good form, showed the way, being the first duo to sign a perfect course, in 70'92, synonymous with a seventh place final. It was possible to do as well, but even faster, as John Whitaker and Sharid demonstrated, taking the time down to 66'63 (4th). However, the British did not stay in the lead for long, as the leadership of the event kept changing, successively held by Mégane Meissonnier and Illusion CL (3rd) and finally Benoit Cernin and Cookie de Vesvre, who simply lowered the time by more than four seconds (61'16)... Simply unbeatable!

Source: Press release Hubside Jumping de Valence