We wish to emphasise that the most urgent issues addressed by the club in supporting our riders included: 

    • Freezing the ranking points when the pandemic forced the 2020 and early 2021 season to be cancelled.
    • Active commitment in addressing the Herpes Virus veterinary emergency in Valencia last February, a situation in which the IJRC took action by sending veterinary surgeons to Valencia, making stables available, organising transport for the horses and providing financial support for the riders.

    Furthermore, achieved and developing goals include:

    • Qualification Rules.
    • Doping rules, medication and banned substances lists.
    • Contamination: legal and laboratory aspects, stable security.
    • Certificate of Capability/MER (Minimum Eligibility Requirements).
    • Invitation System.
    • CSI/CSIO Requirements.

    The Rolex Top Ten Final

    The year ended with the 20th edition of the Rolex IJRC Top Ten Final in Geneva; an event awaited with great enthusiasm following its cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic. The importance the Rolex IJRC Top Ten assumes in the international scenario goes well beyond that of a top-level competition, well-beyond the final ranking. But it represents personal, subjective satisfaction since riding in this event is the crowning moment in a year filled with constructive and constant activity. It is the result of the best possible planning and horse management. Competing in the Rolex IJRC Top 10, is a moment of positive competitiveness, cohesion and, if still possible, further growth among the top ten riders in the world who set the example for all the young ones now building their careers. A win by Olympic champions Ben Maher and Explosion W simply confirms their unforgettable season, while taking nothing away from the extraordinary performance of all the competitors; true masters of real equestrianism.

    IJRC’s General Assembly

    Furthermore, Geneva hosted the IJRC’s usual General Assembly which unanimously confirmed Kevin Staut as president; Emilio Bicocchi has replaced Peder Fredricson. Board members confirmed are: Steve Guerdat, François Mathy, Henrick von Eckermann, Rodrigo Pessoa, Max Kuhner and Ludger Beerbaum, joined by a representative from the NARG (North American Riders Group). The athlete representative is Pedro Veniss.

    Long and short-term objectives

    As this new year begins for us all, it remains filled with problems sadly still linked to the pandemic, once again resulting in the cancellation of numerous shows in these first months. Nevertheless,  2022 will be the year of the Herning World Championships from August 6th to August 14th, an event that paves the way for qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. On this subject one of the club’s main intents is to resolve the still heated debate concerning the qualifications system, the Olympic format and the FEI voting system, establishing harmony and synergy with the institutions for the good of our unique and inimitable sport. With farsightedness and a global vision of the needs of all professionalisms involved, the objective is that the Olympic Games should continue to be the greatest dream of all athletes, just as they should be.

    Furthermore, our resolutions for the new year include continuing to tangibly spread the principles on the basis of which this Club was created and thanks to which it increasingly attracts more and more athletes. Especially young ones, who can find a reference point in the IJRC, where matters can be discussed and support for their new careers found.

    The Club has its rules, initiatives and activities useful for developing horses and riders; one such example is the IJRC’s cooperation with the Young Riders Academy.

    It offers a great opportunity not only for technical and professional growth, but also for exchanges of opinions between expert riders and the new generations.

    The next generation is in fact at the centre of attention and the bearer of innovative ideas and new energy, but also emphasises the specific needs required for building a career.


    Last but not least, also thanks to the EEF’s planning of their Nations Cup series for the new season, the Club strongly supports team spirit and wishes to instil in new generations the importance of unity, cooperation and interaction in paving the way for a stable career filled with satisfactions as well as growth of equestrian sport.

    Therefore, our work aims to provide constant support to our athletes and to the whole of the show jumping sector. The IJRC’s strength lies in the cohesion of all its members who, in unison, provide their contribution with innovative ideas for the evolution of our sport.


    Source: January newsletter from the International Jumping Riders Club