From April 21, 2021, there are new rules within the AHL (European Union Animal Health Law), aimed at Brexit. What exactly has changed and what does this mean for equestrian sports?
The two main changes are the extension of the use of the current Export Health Certificates (EHCs) for the transport of horses until August 2021, and the abolition of the proposed 30-day isolation period prior to the transport of horses from the UK to the EU, Member States and Northern Ireland.
In addition, British horses no longer need to undergo a 30-day isolation period prior to transport to an EU Member State or Northern Ireland.The current EHCs will remain valid until August 20, 2021, allowing existing certificates to be used until then. The new EHCs must be used for all horses from August 21, 2021, but the provision requiring the exact location of a horse to be recorded in the EU.
Horses from the UK registered with FEI, a recognized studbook or a recognized UK organization will not be required to be in isolation for 30 days prior to transport. They are required to be under the supervision of a veterinarian for 30 days. The European Commission is working on the draft legal provision for digital passports, another important proposal from the IHSC Task Force for Brexit and EU Animal Health Law.
Source: FEI