St Tropez Pirates Pieter Devos and Edwina Tops Alexander took the second spot. Devos went clear with Espoir (Surcouf de Revel), Edwina and Casquell (Casall) also rode a 0 round. The third place went to the Paris Panthers Gregory Wathelet with Picobello Full House Ter Linden Z (Forever d'Arco ter Linden) and Nayel Nassar with Lucifer V (Lord Pezi). 

Epaillard won individually with Champeix, Nassar and Lucifer V took the second place. Kent Farrington and his eleven-year-old Holstein mare Austria 2 (Casall) followed in third position, sharing that spot with Frances Kevin Staut and For Joy van 't Zorgvliet HDC (For Pleasure). Marcus Ehning and A La Carte NRW (Abke 4) completed the top five. 

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