This is an extra special week for Ludo since he rode his last World Cup competition in 2013. Now eight years later he is looking forward to riding into that ring again.

"Of course it's not sure yet that I will ride that World Cup class," he starts. "First I will have to qualify and then the real work will start."

"I'm not nervous myself. I'm not as tense as I used to be and I'm really looking forward to going into the ring, but of course there's adrenaline. What comes, comes."

A family affair

"I'm also very proud to be at the start with my two sons (Olivier and Nicola) and my cousin Pieter (Clemens). You don't see that every day. I never thought I would do this, but when each of us is in shape and has the right horses, it all comes together and it is a pleasure. That does not mean that there is not still a fight. Everyone wants to put in the best performance."

"I can't really say how I'd rate my chances. I know my horse is in shape, but it's his first time in these classes and it's been a while since I've been here, so we'll see. I'll see from competition to competition."

Successful year

"La Coruña is also the end of our season. We are very sad that Jumping Mechelen is cancelled this year and decided to give the horses a few weeks rest after our return from Spain and Switzerland. We've had an amazing season, which will be hard to match, with for example Olivier and Nicola winning the GCL Super Cup and Thibault becoming Belgian Champion. We can close the doors of this competitive year with satisfaction", concludes Ludo Philippaerts.

Source: Equnews