"It's with some dissapointed that I have to announce that the decision has been made with her very supportive owners, The Sweeney's and Susan Heller to retire her. It's a decision not filled with sadness, just dissapointment as she is healthy and sound but we feel is unable to physically take on the stresses of the highest level competitions" McLain Ward says.

He continues: "Clinta is without question the highest quality athlete I have ever ridden and has a heart and competitive spirit to match. Her owners and myself are looking forward with great anticipation to breeding her in the coming spring. With much of the breeding world following the current trend of new technology to produce higher numbers of foals we have jointly made a decision to take an old school approach and breed Clinta naturally and have her carry and raise her offspring." McLain hopes that her competitive spirit and giant heart will come through in her foals. "I believe this will provide a happy and healthy retirement for the mare who gave us so much of herself." 

Source: Facebook McLain Ward