The Nations Cup of Abu Dhabi went to the New-Zealand team today.
1. New Zealand - 8 penalties
2. Egypt - 17 penalties
3. UAE - 17 penalties
Team New Zealand won with 8 penalties from the second round. The team included Bruce Goodin with Backatorps Danny V (Quasimodo Z), Richard Gardner with Calisto (Colman), Tom Tarver-Priebe with Popeye (Cardento) and Daniel Meech with Cinca (Casall). Goodin and Tarver-Priebe went clear in the first round, Meech went double clear.
The Egyptians finished second. Mohd Osama El Borai and Quintero (Quasimodo Z) were the only ones to complete one clear round. The riders of the UAE took third place while Germany and Syria completed the top five.