After arriving on Wednesday, one of the four horses developed a fever and was later found to be possibly infected with EVH-2, an unusual variant of the herpes virus. This is what the Swedish Equestrian Federation SvRF writes on its website. EHV-2 is a variant of the herpes virus that normally causes only minor symptoms, national team veterinarian Rasmus Westgren tells SvRF. Given existing rules for infection prevention, this horse and the other three have now been isolated.

EHV-2 is not as contagious as EHV-1 and EHV-4 and does not cause the same symptoms. "I'm not worried about their future at all, but they are not allowed to compete here," says Rasmus Westgren. The horse that had a fever on Wednesday was fever-free on Thursday and the other three horses showed no symptoms. The plan now is for the four horses to remain in the quarantine stables until further notice and then begin their journey home over the weekend. The Swedish team in the Nations Cup on Friday now consists of Petronella Andersson, Angelie von Essen and Wilma Hellström.

Source: Spring-Reiter