Pieter Devos is doing very well in the Longines Global Champions Tour. In the Grand Prix of St. Tropez he jumped to sixth place and that gave him an extra boost in the rankings. He wasn't present in Miami Beach, but in the other four legs he achieved such good results that Devos is currently in the lead with 110 points in total. He has taken a big step forward. 

Gilles Thomas is also stepping up. He is currently in second place with 101 points. He was not present in Doha but did score strongly in Miami Beach, Mexico City and Madrid. Last week in France, he was able to collect another eleven points, which puts him in the provisional second place. 

The former leader of the ranking, Ludger Beerbaum, is currently in third place. He was absent in Madrid and St. Tropez and so his total score remained at 99 points. His compatriot Christian Kukuk has the same number of points and is therefore in fourth place. Katrin Eckermann is in fifth place with one point less.

Michael Duffy is currently in sixth place. Malin Baryard-Johnsson, the GP winner of St. Tropez, is in seventh place. She is still ahead of Ben Maher and Denis Lynch. Niels Bruynseels is in tenth place at the moment.  

Next week the next leg is already taking place. Then the LGCT riders will be competing in Hamburg.

Click here for the provisional ranking