After a busy day of competition, we are pleased to give you an overview of all of today's big winners!
CSI4* 1.50m Hagen
1. Robert Whitaker - Evert
2. Sophie Hinners - Million Dollar 2
3. Irma Karlsson - Chacconu
CSI3* 1.45m Gorla Minore
1. Federico Ciriesi - Cassandra
2. Ulrich Kirchenhoff - Cancun
3. Luis Ferreira - Driss De Kerglenn
CSI2* 1.45m LR Lier
1. Thibeau Spits - Juragold Bormes
2. Emilie Conter - Clochard
3. Niels Bruynseels - Diornella-D
CSI2* 1.45m LR Oliva
1. Jérôme Guery - Margriet de Mariposa
2. Cayetano Martinez De Irujo - Dearest Diamond RS
3. Castora Ortiz Agüera - Robinson
CSI2* 1.45m LR Opglabbeek
1. Frank Schuttert - Gream
2. Marlon Modolo Zanotelli - Napoleon van den Dael
3. Tobias Meyer - Quintus-H