Stefan Eder was able to count on Dr Scarpo (v. Sandro Boy) to fly through the jump-off without any faults. They stopped the clock at 35,98 seconds and nobody was able to beat that time without making any faults. We saw Italy in second place thanks to Emanuele Camilli. Together with Chadellano PS he stayed clear in a time of 37,27 seconds. 

Gerfried Puck claimed the third place with the BWP chestnut Naxcel V (v. Balou du Rouet). They stayed ahead of Abdurakhom Abdullaev and Valour (v. Verdi), who ended in fourth place. The top five was completed by Roger Chammas and Humphrey G (v. Berlin). 

CSI4* - 1m45 in two phases 

In the 4* 1m45-class the victory went to Great Britain thanks to Laura Renwick. With MHS Im The One (v. Lancelot) she was able to set the fastest time of 28,15 seconds, winning the class. Giulia Martinengo Marquet and Casper vd Rode Poeloeve (v. Casall) kept the second place in Italy in a time of 29,60 seconds. 

Nico Lupino and Barriques (v. Cristallo II) completed the podium. In fourth place we had Marcel Marschall and Jesprit H.S. They stayed ahead of Emanuele Camilli, who finished in fifth place with E-UP. 

Click here for all the results.