New Department of Science and Research
The new Department of Science and Research will be headed up by Karina Christiansen who has already been playing a central role in the WBFSH’s world leading research initiatives, such as CIGA, the WBFSH Standing Committee for Collaborative Implementation of Genomic Applications in Sport Horse Breeding which was formed in 2017 and has since become a hub for the exchange of information and development in scientific research for studbooks and scientists from across the world.
Says Executive Committee Member Karina Christiansen: “We continue to see enormous progression in scientific research, which is revolutionising sport horse breeding, with the potential to enhance performance, welfare, longevity and equine health. I am excited about this opportunity to strengthen our knowledge exchange among studbook members and the scientific community.”
New Department of Marketing, Promotion and Communications
The Department for Marketing, Promotion and Communications represents a new move for the organisation, as it will be run in cooperation between the AES, represented by the newly elected Board Member Dr Eva-Maria Broomer, and the KWPN, represented by the new Executive Committee Member Ralph van Venrooij.
Says Vice-President Dr Eva-Maria Broomer: “These are exciting times for all of us, as we are working together for a bright future for all our members and breeders across the world. I look forward to working with Ralph whose experience will prove invaluable. Our first project will be a brand-new website to support our communications and promote the important work of the WBFSH and all its member studbooks across the world. Our partner in website development is the Equine Register, a UK based company with an exceptional international track record of providing digital solutions and lifetime traceability systems for governments and industry.”
Enhanced Department of Development
The Department of Development under the new management of Executive Committee Member Edward Kendall from the CWHBA receives a broadened remit to support all studbooks and members in carrying out initiatives to aid industry development and provide member services.
Says Vice-President Chris Gould: “This reorganisation better reflects the long-term strategic plan of the WBFSH and in particular will allow Edward and me to continue to foster new cooperative initiatives amongst and on behalf of our members, while broadening the scope to support the interests and development of sport horse breeding in general. Our aims are to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration, to develop our services to our members, and to strengthen the position of breeding in the equine industry.”
The Department of Finance will continue to be run by the BWP under Executive Committee Member Rudi Eerdekens and Vice-President Stephan Kelchtermans, and the Department of External Cooperation will remain under the leadership of Executive Committee Member Klaus Miesner from the German FN and Vice-President Norbert Camp from the Trakehner Verband. The Department for Breeding stays under the experienced management of the Selle Français and the IFCE with Vice President Paul Hubert and Executive Committee Member Bérengère Lacroix.