Marlon Modolo Zanotelli and Obara's Chloe (Chacco-Blue) take home the biggest amount of Longines Ranking-points in Madrid. They finish without faults in the jump-off with a time of  39.97. Kevin Staut follows closelsy with Visconti du Telman. He and the Toulon-mare finish in 40.29. 

Marcus Ehning with Misanto Pret A Tout (Hiram Chambertin) follow in third place with 40.80. 

Still without mistakes but not on the stage is Max Kühner in the saddle of Vancouver Dreams (Valentino). He finishes in 41.47 and is almost a second faster than Pieter Devos. Devos with Kannabis van de Bucxtale (Contact van de Heffinck) end the course with a time of 42.30 and close the top five. 

In sixth place we find Harrie Smolders and Dolinn (Cardento) with a time of 46.78. They are also the last combination to remain without penalties in the jump-off.  

Constant van Paesschen and Vedetta Treize (Diamant de Semilly) - together with Eduardo Alvarez Aznar and Legend (Ogano Sitte) make one mistake over a fence and finish in 42.51, so are ex aequo seventh. 

Yuri Mansur and Vitiki (Valentino) follow in nineth place, Santiago Nunez Riva and Valentino de Hus Z (Vivaldi du Seigneur) close the top ten. 
