Preparation of venue (examples)

- The venue must have an isolation plan and a plan to contain possible outbreaks of infections.

- Rules for stabling the horses: One-way traffic in the aisles, good ventilation, horses from the same transport must be stabled together, etc.

- Biosecurity stables: These stables must not come into contact with the non-isolation stables under any circumstances, a veterinarian must be appointed to monitor this, people who come into these isolation stables must not come into contact with the non-isolation stables under any circumstances,...

And so on

Prior to the competition (examples)

- Negative PCR test for EHV-1 required for competitions where horses stay overnight and where more than 400 horses are staying

- Negative PCR test for EHV-1 for all horses that have been transported by aeroplane and then participate in a competition organised by the FEI


Arrival on location (examples)

- Examination takes place outside the stables and is organised in such a way that horses do not come into contact with other horses

-Examinations may take place in the stables if the arrivals of different transports are sufficiently spread out

And so on

The location itself (examples)

- The temperature of the horses should be taken twice a day by the rider or groom and should be kept and displayed outside the stables.

- If it is a competition that takes place on consecutive weeks, the horses that stay there must take a negative PCR test every Monday

- Limited access to stables for personnel. Only essential personnel are allowed.


On departure (examples)

- Microchip and passport must be scanned on departure to facilitate tracing the horses in the event of a possible outbreak

Legal rules

- Possibility for the FEI Secretary General to immediately cancel competitions if an outbreak occurs

And so on

These are just a few examples. Click here for a complete overview.

Source: FEI