As most people know by now, the competition ban imposed by the FEI will end on 12 April. In order to ensure maximum safety and to prevent further spread of EHV-1, the FEI has now drawn up a list of measures. Every international competition on the European mainland must comply with this list in order to be allowed to take place. The FEI makes a subdivision in the list of measures. There are measures for the preparation of the location of the competition, measures prior to the competition, checks on the arrival of riders and horses at the venue, requirements for the venue itself, rules for the departure of the competition home and some legal rules.
Preparation of venue (examples)
- The venue must have an isolation plan and a plan to contain possible outbreaks of infections.
- Rules for stabling the horses: One-way traffic in the aisles, good ventilation, horses from the same transport must be stabled together, etc.
- Biosecurity stables: These stables must not come into contact with the non-isolation stables under any circumstances, a veterinarian must be appointed to monitor this, people who come into these isolation stables must not come into contact with the non-isolation stables under any circumstances,...
And so on
Prior to the competition (examples)
- Negative PCR test for EHV-1 required for competitions where horses stay overnight and where more than 400 horses are staying
- Negative PCR test for EHV-1 for all horses that have been transported by aeroplane and then participate in a competition organised by the FEI
Arrival on location (examples)
- Examination takes place outside the stables and is organised in such a way that horses do not come into contact with other horses
-Examinations may take place in the stables if the arrivals of different transports are sufficiently spread out
And so on
The location itself (examples)
- The temperature of the horses should be taken twice a day by the rider or groom and should be kept and displayed outside the stables.
- If it is a competition that takes place on consecutive weeks, the horses that stay there must take a negative PCR test every Monday
- Limited access to stables for personnel. Only essential personnel are allowed.
On departure (examples)
- Microchip and passport must be scanned on departure to facilitate tracing the horses in the event of a possible outbreak
Legal rules
- Possibility for the FEI Secretary General to immediately cancel competitions if an outbreak occurs
And so on
These are just a few examples. Click here for a complete overview.
Source: FEI