1. Michel Hecart - Solero MS
2. Simon Delestre - Chesall Zimequest
3. Olivier Robert - Atoll de Marigny

The French dominated this Grand Prix very clearly. Hecart won aboard Solero MS (Silvio I) in 37,23 seconds, Delestre and Chesall (Casall) followed in 38,06 seconds. The third place was for Robert with Atoll (Grenat de Grez). US-rider Katherine A. Dinan sent Atika des Hauts Vents to the fourth place, Julien Champailler and Atomic d'Aiguilly (Tinka's Boy) closed the top five. 

CSI2* LR 1,45m

Simon Delestre won this class with Chadino (Chacco-Blue). Marc Dilasser and Indigo Blue Biolley (Chacco-Blue) were able to claim the second place, Pieter Clemens and Caldero (Camaro M) seized the bronze spot for Belgium. 

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