The second day at Arezzo was again preserved for the Young Horses. In the class for the six-year-old horses the victory was again for Emilio Bicocchi and Lasita. Just like yesterday both were invincible thanks to a clear round in a time over one second faster as runner-up Nicholas Channing-Williams (China). This British rider also ended in the third place. On the back of Chacana L he finished about 0,2 seconds slower as he did with his ride on China.
Today the seven-year-old horses were ready for a two phased course designed by Frank Rothenberger. Romanian rider Norbert Schuman triumphed on the back of Cassiana. With one second lead Schuman left Graziano Tazzi (Griselda) on the second place. Gianluca Apolloni (Baby Arko) finished third for Belgian rider Nicola Philippaerts and Game Boy D. An other Belgian duo, Dennis Caubergs and Casijgje vh Russeltveld, just finished within the top ten after a double clear round in 32:71 seconds.
source: equnews.be - results: sja.it