Friday of the ‘Masters’ Tournament again saw amazing crowds of over 30,000 enjoying the fan Favorite ATCO 6 Bar under the lights. Not since 2014 had spectators witnessed the incredible equine athletes soar to heights over two meters – and tonight did not disappoint with a 2.03m finish. The two horsemen to take home the ATCO 6 Bar title were Brazil’s Pedro Janqueira Muylaert and Juan Carlos Garcia of Italy. Garcia would mark his second top finish of the 42 ndannual ‘Masters’ tournament, this time aboard Cocodrillo a 14 year old Holstein Stallion by Corrado. Garcia remarked, “I chose this horse to compete in the 6 Bar because he has all the scope. I had ridden him in these events before and he once again showed his great talent.”
For Pedro Janqueira Muylaert, this was only his second time competing in a 6 Bar competition and the first time on this horse. Myulaerta commented, “the atmosphere and the incredible crowed really push you through this competition - they helped to give me the motivation to get through to the end!” He continued, “I had never jumped to this height before [2.03m] but I regularly work with gymnastic type exercises to prepare for any big tournament and he’s great with them.” This said about his winning mount, the 10-year-old Oldenburg gelding Chacote.
Reaching a height of 1.78m to carry on to the fourth round was third place finishers, Paolo Paini(ITL) and Vladimir Tuganov(RUS). With the final fence of the round four series set at 1.88m, both Paini and Tuganov were unable to match the efforts of Muylaert and Garcia, ending on a four-fault finish.