The German team with Philipp Weishaupt (Coby 8), Christian Kukuk (Mumbai), Janne Friederike Meyer-Zimmermann (Messi van 't Ruytershof) and Andre Thieme (DSP Chakaria) won with only 4 penalty points and a great time. 

Second place was for the French team. Kevin Staut (Scuderia 1918 Viking d'La Rousserie), Edward Levy (Uno de Cerisy), Gregory Cottard (Bibici) and Julien Gonin (Valou du Lys) rode very cleverly. Together they had 7 penalty points. 

Third place was for Switzerland. Alain Jufer (Dante MM), Niklaus Schurtenberger (Quincassi), Elin Ott (Nanu II) and Edouard Schmitz (Gamin van 't Naastveldhof) had just 8 penalty points, narrowly missing out on second place. 

Ireland finished fourth. Poland finished fifth on home soil. 

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