"It is an amazing feeling to have a victory like this so quickly after changing nationality. As a new Belgium rider I do my best but still need to adapt. The day before the Grand Prix Bandit felt so great, certainly after our disappointing result in Tokyo," Said says.

"Tokyo was not my best performance, and not the result I was hoping for after a great season so far. But last weekend all felt right and confidence was restored. Bandit and I teamed up great what allowed us to take certain risks."

"We were early on in the Jump-Off. I watched the combination before me and in the last line we could do one lesser stride in the end, I think that made the difference. The Jump-Off was a difficult as it was designed it was hard to keep the pace. But it worked out great.

About Bandit

"I only have Bandit for about one year but he is so great. We already impressed at so many great shows like Rome (4th in GCT GP), Knokke (double clear in CSI3*), etc. and now in Knokke. "

"It is now time to build on us as a team. And I hope I will play my part in the future for team Belgium."