Pieter Devos counted on Mom's Toupie de la Roque (v. Kannan) to take fourth place. With a time of 77,24 he stayed ahead of Angelica Augustsson Zanotelli. The Swedish rider finished in 77,38 with Kalinka van de Nachtegaele (v. Epleaser van T Heike). 

With the fourteen years old stallion, Deusser finished fast in 72,86. With the closest competition on almost three seconds behind they were assured of their win. Edouard Schmitz crossed the finishline in 75,45 and became second in the saddle of Gamin van 't Naastveldhof (v. Chacco Chacco). Darragh Kenny concluded the top three on the back of Volnay du Boisdeville (v. Winningmood), finishing in 76,32.

Pieter Devos' accomplishment places Prague Lions ahead of the competition and took the win of the GCL of New York together with Niels Bruynseels and Matador (v. Emerald). Zanotelli also had her share in the second place of Madrid in Motion together with Maikel van der Vleuten and Dywis HH (v. Toulon). For the Miami Celtics it was Schmitz who had the best result which resulted in a third place for him and Bertram Allen in the saddle of Pacino Amiro (v. Pacino).

In the overall ranking Stockholm Hearts lead the way before Berlin Eagles. Prague Lions follow in third position. 

Individual results
Results GCL New York
Overall ranking GCL after New York