First of all, it is important to distinguish between so-called "frozen" and "implanted" embryos. The risks on your investment with a frozen embryo are much higher than with an embryo that has already been implanted. 

General advice is more and more against investing in frozen embryos. "There is just too much risk involved. The carrier mare can still reject the embryo. In the past, there was also too much speculation with these embryos and ultimately made insurance companies reluctant to insure your investment."

What is an embryo

An embryo is the result of successful fertilization of a female egg or ovum with a male sperm. A veterinarian removes the ovum from the mare using the OPU (Ovum Pick Up) technique. In the laboratory, under specific conditions and with microscopic technique, the sperm cell is inserted into the ovum. The success of fertilization is determined about 7 days later and if successful, the embryo is frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -197°C.

Implanted embryos

The word says it all, 'implanted embryos' have more security. These are accepted by the surrogate mother, which is often evident after checking at 40 - 41 days. The advantage of implanted embryos is that your investment already contains a lot more certainty of 'return'. The embryo is already attached and in normal circumstances it will be born as a foal. Of course, just like a normal pregnancy, something can still go wrong....

Good bloodlines on the market

The advantage of embryo investment is that the scientific embryo technique has enjoyed more establishment in the sport. This has made the availability of interesting and investment-worthy bloodlines a lot more accessible. "Finding a unique foal (or rather embryo) has become a lot easier thanks to the technique. Accuracy has also made the return of investment a lot more interesting. Without further ado, it is important to always look at the right combination."

Useful investment?

In today's market, buying an embryo is still a useful business, whether you invest with the goal of your own sporting career or you consider the purchase of an embryo more of an investment. The current market still favors creating a certain 'return of investment'. With the right embryos, you can aim for a 12% return of investment.

04- 06 December online Embryo auction from Equestrian Discover the collection here