The Belgian number one, Jérôme Guery, will travel to Geneva this week without his loyal companion Quel Homme de Hus (Quidam de Revel). The 16-year-old stallion hurt himself during transport from Prague back home, and will not be fit in time for the Geneva Horse Show that starts today.
Guery posted the following on his official Instagram page: "Heading to Geneva this week for the amazing CHI. One of my favourite competitions. A competition where we had super results with Quel Homme de Hus in recent years with a 3rd place in the top 10 last year and 3rd place in the Grand Prix in 2019... Unfortunately, Quel Homme will not be travelling to Switzerland this year. Quel Homme hurt himself in the transport on the way back from Prague. Nothing serious, but not wanting to take any risk, I prefer to let him recover 100%."
The Belgian will therefore have to count on Great Britain, Uniquo and Come Away to get the job done this week.

Source: Instagram
Photo: © JC Bordas