Sydney already gave birth to a stallion son of Diamant de Semilly, Friday Treize, finalist at four-, five- and six-years-old in the young horses cycle. She herself descends from a strain that has proven itself more than once on the competition field. Whether she will be as successful in breeding as in sport remains to be seen.

Born to Marius Huchin at Haras des Princes, Sydney Une Prince was trained by Frédéric Aronio de Romblay until he was seven years old. It was that year that the horse really began to reveal a full potential. After a thirteenth place finish in the French Championship for seven-year-olds, Sydney was spotted by Roger-Yves Bost and immediately joined his stable there. They penned one of the finest performances in French horsemanship and won an Olympic gold team medal in Rio. 

Source: SFL