“At the World Championships in Herning, I was subjected to doping controls. At first I was not at all concerned about the result, but to my surprise, the banned substance AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids) was found in the sample taken. I have been taking medication for a while to reduce the negative effects of menopause. I made this known at the doping control," Milczarek told the Polish website Swiat Koni.

On the advice of her pharmacist, the rider switched to a drug that could be obtained without a prescription, but forgot to inquire about possible consequences with regard to her hormone level. Milczarek's suspension went into effect on September 27, 2022.

Clenbuterol was found in the sample of her Spanish colleague Agusti Elias Lara. This anabolic agent is used in the veterinary world as a remedy for asthma, and has the side effect that it reduces the fat percentage. It also has a muscle-building effect with athletes who take it. It is not yet known why this foreign substance was found in the blood of the Spaniard.

Source: Horses.nl/FEI/Swiat Koni/Doping Autoriteit