It's inevitable; if you ride, you will (at least once) fall off. Every horse can spook, bolt or buck and every rider can have an 'unscheduled dismount'. There is no way to completely avoid falls when you are riding. And there is no way to guarantee you will fall without injury. But the following tips may help you lessen the impact from a fall while horseback riding. Again: There is no sure way to avoid a fall or injury while horseback riding. Even knowing how to fall 'properly' is no guarantee you won't injury if you fall off. Avoiding the Fall - Ride a horse that matches your skill level. - Ride in a safe environment for your skill level. - Ride with awareness. Try to see the spookies before your horse does so you can divert its attention. - Ride in control. - Keep proper position in the saddle. - Make sure that saddle fits you, and the stirrups are adjusted to the right length. - Check that your girth or cinch are tightened so the saddle doesn't turn. Prepare for a Fall - Protective equipment may help you avoid serious injury if you do take a tumble. - Wear an ASTM approved helmet. - Wear boots with a 1" heel, safety stirrups or cages on your stirrups. - A crash vest provides extra protection for your torso. - Gloves give you better purchase on the reins and protect your hands. - Learn to do an emergency dismount. How to Fall? If you know you are going to fall, try to kick your feet free from the stirrups. Ideally, you'll have one of those long slow descents that leave you sitting on your backside with your horse looking down at you in surprise. If not, try to roll out of the way of your horse's legs. Don't stick your arms out to break your fall as this may increase the chances of breaking a bone, or having parts sticking out that the horse may step on. Instead think of curling like a hedgehog. After the Fall? Do a quick assessment: give your self a second to get your wind back and check for injury. If everything seems okay get up, climb back into the saddle. This will reassure yourself, your riding companions and your horse. If something seems wrong, ask for help immediately. Being stoic about pain might seem valiant. However, if you've broken a bone, you might worsen the injury.