It's a hard task to eat healthy at home, but the real task is to keep it healthy when on the road. Being on the road to a competition, clinic or just hike with the horses and keeping it healthy is a hard thing to do... but we had a shopping list made to keep you a clean eating rockstar... Here are some tips: 1. If you are staying in a hotel, choose one in close proximity to a variety of restaurants and grocery stores-the bigger variety, the better chance you will find one with healthy menu items 2. Do an online search for restaurants near your location. Most restaurants have online menus so you can plan your meals before you arrive. If you can’t find the menu online, call and ask the restaurant to email or send one to you 3. Choose a room with a kitchenette and make time to stop by a grocery store either just before or just after you check in 4. Bring a big cooler (Travelpro makes a great one used by pilots and flight attendants) 5. Bring non-perishable snack items like nuts, seeds, fruit, jerky, oatmeal packets 6. Bring pre-make homemade nutrition bars or cookies (Here is a link to one of my favorites) 7. Bring commercial snack bars-my favorites are Larabars, Kind Bars and Dale’s Raw Bars 8. Bring a powdered nutrient dense shake. My favorite is Shakeology because it is more than just a protein shake. It actually covers your daily dose of nutrient needs in one serving. My favorite protein-only powder is Plant Fusion. You wouldn’t leave what you feed your horse up to chance-so why not invest the same effort in your own nutrition needs? Your body will feel energized and your mind will be alert. Your investment in healthy nutrition might just give you that slight edge that helps you bring home the blue!