Equnews took the time to sit back, relax and have a nice 'chat' with the founder and CEO of Equ.Media, Bram Van Hulle. Based in Belgium, Equ.Media, is taking care of the branding and (internet) marketing of several different equine businesses around the world. Famous clients such as Haras de Laubry, Tal Milstein Stables, Longines Global Champions Tour in Antwerp, Equnews, the International Student Riders Organisation, etc. count on the services of Equ.Media for their branding and 'hyping'. But why is branding and marketing so important? What is the added value?
Thank you for spending some time with us. Let us get started, We still wonder why you came up with the idea branding is necessary for the Equine business?
Take any business, country or person in the world. Branding and marketing is present at any time, in any place. For example, you go job hunting, in a nice suit, why is that? Not because you (in particular) like the suit, but more because you want to sell yourself. The same applies for the equine business. Unconsciously the idea of branding is already present. Riders, owners, grooms want to be nicely dressed, have their competition outfit in matching colours. However it is still a vague concept that needs some finetuning, adjustment and structure.
You say the idea of branding is already present, could you clarify?
The 'actors' in the equine business are very concerned with the image. Image is everything to them. However image is just a part of the branding that is required to become very successful. You can create an image of having a highly skilled and talented horse, nevertheless if the branding is not executed well, the image will change the moment the horse makes the slightest mistake.
To students I always give a simple example: You have A product, doesn't matter what. The product is placed in a simpel box. A copy, so not the genuine, of the product is placed in a box with the same sizes and made of the same materials. Nevertheless we add a nice print on the box or some wrapping paper... Not knowing in what box the genuine product is hidden, what box would you choose?
90% of the people will choose the copy... perfect example of the power of branding and marketing.
Don't get me wrong, I am not pro-copying, but I am just indicating the power of what a good marketing and branding of your product or service can achieve.
Branding and marketing, they are very conceptual words, certainly in the equestrian world...
Words are words... With Equ.Media we help in creating the succes of a business, horse, person or event. If you label it branding or marketing, it doesn't matter. We focus on how to turn something random, common in something exclusive and wanted.
You told us that only the basic image is present in the equine business, what is the next step?
How to make that statement clear ... (laughs). Just look around on any competition or even the internet. Most equine businesses FINALLY found their way to the internet, but still some even haven't. Nevertheless, when looking around most logo's, websites, outfits, etc. are the same. Nothing is special, nothing is thought OUT OF THE BOX!
Carl Cook and Tal Milstein Stables (which is one of our clients) - to name some - they think out of the box. They embrace the new innovations and socio-economic evolutions in our society.
Problem with the horse world is that most people don't dare to think out of the box. They are just the 'sheep' that follow the trends of the others. That is the moment where a good marketing strategy and/or branding can make the difference. Because that is where you will see the difference between the leader or 'the sheep'.
Ok I think we got that, so now the question remains what is the marketing the Equine business needs?
That is a hard question to answer... First there are different equestrian businesses. You have stables, traders, vets, farriers, events, etc. All with a specific audience and thus specific needs. Some of them need public relations, some need branding, others direct marketing...
What are the differences between pr, branding, direct marketing, etc. ?
Well that is boring and theoretical, but let's try... so let me explain it by some simpel examples : Imagine you're at a party and see a gorgeous girl/boy. Direct marketing or public relations is you standing up, walking to her/him, be gentle, buy her/him a drink, offer a drive home and at the end you say "by the way, I'm rich, will you marry me?".
The same scenario, but your friend walks up to her/him and asks the question "My friend there is rich, will you marry him/her?" that is indirect marketing... providing branding recognition. The ultime test is when you're at an other party and a girl/boy walks up to you and says "Hey, you are rich, will you marry me?" Than you achieved your goal = branding recognition! And that is what Equ.Media does ... :p
[caption id="attachment_71568" align="alignright" width="1296"]
logo design Stal de Braembeier (webdesign in the making)[/caption]
HaHa, that was very clear... Equ.Media can count on some of the big players in the equine world to be a client. Does that mean Equ.Media equals expensive?
Haha, well the question here is; what is expensive? I am happy to have some exclusive stables and events as clients, but that doesn't mean Equ.Media changed its policy. We still do our best to transform the traditional to the new, the common to the exclusive. We want to support the equestrian world that is why we always guarantee that the cooperation with us is a WIN-WIN.
... Could you just explain us once again, specifically, what Equ.Media does?
Well we have been talking about what we do, so I will just tell you how we do it ... we provide services that include: Logo, Name, Website, Flyer, Banner, etc. design. Further we take care of the communication management, the publicity management and also the structure management for several clients.
But to see a full overview, you better check out EquMedia.be
Thank you for this nice 'chat'