Last week H&M fashion announced two new faces for their brand... Twin brothers Olivier and Nicola Philippaerts. Equnews made a visit and did ask some short questions about this new cooperation. How did you get in contact with H&M ? The first contact started last year when Nicola won the worldcup in Gothenborg. That is where it all began. So, starting now you will only wear H&M clothes? No, we are not obliged to wear the H&M casual clothes. Only when we are on a competition we have to be linked with the brand. Will your horses start to be named H&M as well? Our best horses will get the prefix 'H&M'. We still have to fine-tune what horses that will be though. Why is it important to be a part of the H&M-team? I believe it is very important for young riders as us to be a part of of world renown brand such as H&M. Even more we are enthousiast about the ambition H&M has in the equestrian sport. That is why I am proud to represent H&M. Being the new face, does it mean you will start a model career as well? We are no models and will never be. A few times a year the H&M equestrian team has to do a shoot, but that is more for promotional reasons on the sponsored competitions. Modelling for the commercial advertisement in the stores is not for us.