It's summer again, the time of the year we mostly love to see our horses in the field. The time of the year we don't mind tacking up, any time of the day... because it is summer. What could possibily go wrong? We humans tend to think that whenever we feel perfect in a certain condition, our horse will feel the same. Unfortunately that is not the case. A horse originates from the northern parts of the globe, it has difficulties adjusting to heat. all the more reasons to make sure your horse stays in its comfort zone this summer .... 1. Sun blocker Strangely enough horses can get burned, just like humans do. So don't hesitate to put some sunblocker on the pink skin of your horse. And control it from time to time! It might get swiped away while your horse is eating it's favorit dish; grass. 2. Advice for in the fields As said, the summer is the season where we love to put our horse in the field. It must be heaven for our friend, no? Well think again... it could be, but then we might have to consider some precautions... First things first, a horse doesn't like to stand alone. Certainly not in summer. Horses will help each other to get the flies away! Make sure your horse has a place to hide from the sun... it could be a simple shade from a tree or a shelter box. If the horse is stabled at some parts of the day, make sure to do so during the day. The horse will enjoy his (cool) night walks and runs in the field. Try to avoid sun rise and down-times, that are the times insects are the most active. Make sure your horse has a 24/24h access to fresh and clean water. Remove the manure from the fields, it will prevent an overwhelming insect invasion. 3. Working in the sun Horses need a lot of cooling while working in the sun. A horse tends to heat up quicker as its rider. Cooling down is the key to prevent any heat-stress symptomes. An other technique that might help? Get up early or ride as late as possible. This will make sure temperatures have dropped and insects aren't that present.