We wouldn't call them 'the newest innovation' in stirrups, but they certainly bring a new idea into the horse world. After having to deal with magnetic stirrups we now get the super grip stirrups from French saddle brand, Butet. They are tilted to allow the riders foot to sit at a better angle as well as springs under neath the stirrup to help with impact. Although the design is like any other 'Jin Stirrup' with some modifications, the innovation and cleverness is to add little pins on the foot. These help indeed for a better grip. You might think it will hurt your foot, as they actually penetrate the sole of your boot, but wrong. The pins are so tiny, you don't feel them! Made in Aluminium the stirrup is very light weight, however needs a huge amount of maintenance. Clean them properly after every ride, because the sand (certainly in combination with water) will 'sandblast' a pattern in the stirrup... and that brings us a sad face. more stirrup news -> read our earlier post: click here