The temperatures are rising, a nice weather for us to relax in the sun, maybe (even) with a cocktail? But for our horses this temperatures are less comfortable. A horse is feeling the best when the temperatures are between -8°C and +20°C. Then it doesn't need extra energy to maintain it's constant body temperature. That is why our beloved pet needs extra attention in the summer months. 1. Make sure your horses get acclimatized to the new (hot) weather. By putting them outside at least 4 hours a day. However ensure that they have the possibility to hide in the shade of a tree, or a shed. 2. Make sure there is enough water in the fields, on the paddock or in the stables. With temperatures reaching 30°C or more horses will about double their water consumption to 50 liters a day. 3. Horses that sweat loose the necessary natrium in their system. To help them recover the salt you can place a salt block in the stables or on the field. The horses will lick from it and it will help to maintain their comfortable body temperature. 4. Add extra electrolytes to the water. Because your horse will sweat it will loose it's natrium, kalium, chlorides, magnesium and calcium. A shortage of the minerals can have an effect on the muscle and nerve system of the horse. By adding electrolytes in the water you help to prevent a shortage. 5. Cool of your horse after its work. Wash it with lukewarm water. It will help the horse to cool down it's body and muscle temperatures. Whatever you do, do not put a cooler on your horse after work. Just wash it and remove the extra water off the skin