For the horse and their horse lovers, the barn is an important place. You want it to be comfortable, tidy, luxurious, … perfect! But what does it mean to build a horse-friendly barn? What are the things you should take into account? Of course you could sum up hundreds of things, but after prioritizing them here are some useful must-haves: 1. Airy Stalls It is important to have a light and well ventilated stall. Build your horse barn with open-type individual stalls for each horse that would allow them to see and interact with each other. Airy stalls have at least two benefits; they allow sufficient space for the horses and facilitate better air circulation. 2. Ventilation Install ceiling fans on the top hanging from the roof of the barn; these fans will facilitate air ventilation within the premises. Air ventilation is important for health reasons; it prevents stagnant air condition and let the horses breath healthy. Moreover, air ventilation manages equine respiratory diseases such as “recurrent airway obstruction”. 3. Allow Daylight A horse is used to stay in a group, outside. Allow daylight in the barn. Build the roof in such a way that it lets daylight in. Further take into account that the roof needs to be high enough so that the horse has the feeling of freedom. It should look like an open center. You may be able to incorporate a sliding portion within the roof that can be opened and closed as per need. This arrangement will create healthy airflow for the horses residing in the barn; it will reduce your electricity usage significantly as well. 4. Safe Stall Latches Install stall latches that are designed with safety features. You may pick up latches that do not have any sharp edges; they have the look of a trigger of a gun. This type of latch has at least two benefits: it prevents houdini-type horses that are always dancing and jumping from escaping and absence of sharp edge keeps your horse away from any kind of injury. 5. Raised Thresholds Construct the thresholds of your horse barn little higher than usual. The threshold should be raised high enough to contain stall bedding but low enough not to strip humans or horses. Having thresholds built this way will allow your horse barn to be kept cleaner than usual. Besides these five aspects of a perfect horse barn, there are many more tips that you will find in horse related websites and magazines. The idea is to keep your horses safe and healthy; this is the only way you will have good looking horses. You have to watch your wallet too; unplanned spending may ruin all your efforts in building a perfect horse barn. I would suggest that you check the following link out, choose the amenities that seem most appropriate and then lay out a budget