What does it mean to become a succesful rider? Is it being confident combined with skills? Well let's sum up what it means to be that confident rider you always wanted to be. 1.: Learn from your failures. Confident riders don't take a failure personally. A confident riders looks at every mistake as an opportunity to learn. They have the attitude to search for how to make a situation better instead of blaming the failure on themselves or the horse. They don’t waste time with self-criticism, they look ahead to what they can do to improve. 2.: Confident riders are willing to risk. As a confident rider you step out of the comfort zone to learn. They make mistakes but are willing to make them. They’re just as uncomfortable with mistakes as everyone else but they just do it so often, they get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. 3.: Confident riders are aware what goes well during every ride. They recognize what is positive about the ride and where the learning process it improving, rather then where everything goes wrong. If you know you’re good at sitting a spook, you won’t worry about whether your horse is going to spook all the time. They know what their abilities are and they recognize the positives in every ride. 4.: They are aware of their horse at any time. A confident riders thinks with his horse. He knows what will happen and anticipates on it. They just look around and feel the horse. They’re noticing what he’s doing so they can respond appropriately. 5.: Confident riders know that horses don't think like we do. They learn to understand things from the horse's point of view. They put their horse’s need for leadership over their own need to be “liked” by their horse.