It is still winter and cold in half of the globe. Although horses start to feel cold at 2°C (35°F), we, the riders, don't like the winter at all. The sky is gray, the ground is covered in snow (or rain) and in some countries, regions, the show season just ceased to exist. But we know after this dark period there comes the sun. (Altough we have to be honest, yes we love playing the snow with our beloved horses as well). But we love the to see our horses in their ocean of green. They galop, enjoy some sunshine and play around. Here are some reasons why we just love the summer: 1. We can just ride and play with our horses every day. There is no rain, snow or storm that stands between us and our horse. 2. No more stalls to clean! Horses can (and prefer) to be outside day in and out. Lucky for us that means, no more mucking out! 3. We are motivated to get up early, get to the barn and just ride our horse with the sunshine. There's no more magical moment... 4. Shows, shows and shows... oooh yeah, we love it! Just keep those competitions coming. 5. Our horses need some cooling, so... WATER games with the horses, there's nothing more fun! But there are many more reasons to give. As long as we make sure our horses can hide for the sun and get cooled down from time to time.