Most riders prefer not riding any mares. They have to many mood swings, they can be stubborn and not reliable in the arena ... well here are some reasons why mares are a better pick. Thanks to Horse & Hound for the some of them. Up to you to decide if the same logic applies to humans. 1. Mares tend to have a greater sense of self-preservation. This means that even if they bolt away from that tractor, as long as you can stay on board — avoiding any low branches in the process — you should be all right. For similar reasons, they may be less likely to touch a pole showjumping. 2. On the same basis, a mare will also — fingers crossed — move out of the way of assailants in the field, rather than attempting to befriend them or wind them up with well-meant, affectionate, gelding-like pestering. And we’re all for anything that limits vet bills 3. Training a mare teaches you that, in the first instance, you’re far better off asking nicely for things than assuming you’ll get what you demand — a useful lesson to learn and apply to all areas of life 4. Training a mare will also improve your negotiation skills 10-fold, opening up a whole new world of career options, from mediator to United Nations peace envoy 5. To point out the obvious, you can’t breed a foal from your beloved gelding 6. You can put a mare in pink bandages and bling browbands without constantly having to correct people as to her gender 7. Mares are often sharper and smarter than geldings. As is not the case with a female of the species, although Horse & Hound states different here ... :/ 8. Mares don’t pull the toggle on your waterproof jacket and ping it back at you for entertainment value, either. They have a clear sense of personal space — and would politely request that you remember this 9. Geldings are generally up for a cuddle. Mares make you work harder for any affection. It’s rather like having a cat as opposed to a dog. Geldings are every man’s best friends, whereas mares are selective and that makes their owners feel special 10. If we received a pound on every occasion we’ve heard a rider say: “If you get a good mare, they really, really try for you”, then we’d double our salaries