Sorry to all parents in the world but we are gonna make your life just a little bit more difficult. We are gonna give you some reasons why you SHOULD buy your daughter (or son) that nice pony or horse... not only because they want it or deserve it, but because ... They improve self esteem. Most likely because your kid loves and adores the horse. And it offers that unconditional love right back. There is nothing like the sound of your horse whinnying at your arrival to make you feel loved. They teach responsibility. The first thing your daughter/son will have to think about is ‘When can I fit the horse in with my plans?’, or ‘If I can’t get there, who will feed my horse?’. Knowing that an animal is relying on you for all of it’s needs definitely teaches a strong sense of responsibility. They teach the value of money. Your kid will have to work to pay for some tack or desired horse extra's... Yes, horses are expensive, but they teach you to be resourceful when your account is low. Welcome to a better immune system. We believe this speaks for itself... They give you the best exercise ever. Equestrian sports are on the list of sports where the human uses the most amount of their muscles. Horseriding, micking out, hauling water, haynets, etc.... the barn is the perfect fitness room. They teach us to be patient. Does this one really need an explanation? ... Horse people certainly won't deny. They teach focus and ambition. Whether it’s something as simple as getting your pony to canter on the right leg, or something as big as qualifying for a championship, there’s always a goal to strive for when you have a horse.