Talking to different people outside the horse world, or even inside, you often notice they are afraid of the horse. They see a horse running around, throwing a buck, and they get scared. All too often this is because our expectations for our horse's behaviour are unrealistic or based upon our own fears. Sometimes we just want to control our horses to much. But how can we overcome this fear? How can we learn how to respect the horse rather than controlling it? Here are some tips: 1. First you need to realize your horse is an animal. It is normal for a horse to run, buck and play. Accept your horse is normal and don't try to control their actions. They are living creatures, not statues. 2. Don't be afraid to adapt to the horse's movements. If you are however afraid of riding your four-legged friend. Than stay out of the saddle. Learn how to manage and control your horse from the ground. 3. Once you made the step to go in the saddle accept you need to have a perfect control over your aids. You need to learn how to move and coordinate in the balance of the horse. Know that horses go forward, work on a perfect communication with your animal. 4. Try, try and try. Keep trying and when in doubt, go back to the groundwork. Just know it is important as well to create a bond with your horse. Half the work is already done by training and riding your own horse. Learn them how to listen to your voice, rather than someon else's. 5. Take your time to work on the confidence!