These future champions were chosen all over Europe during the selection rounds in May and June and you may find among them the successors of the European champion Myrtille Paulois or the crack Quartz Rouge who passed at these auctions.

You can discover them now online on the site with the images of their selection and a complete veterinary file.

They will be presented to the public on Monday, July 4 in the indoor arena of the Pôle International du Cheval in Deauville, France starting at 4pm. The presentation will be broadcast live on and Clip My Horse and the spectators present will be invited to meet for a cocktail after the presentations.

The auction itself will take place in a single session gathering all 60 lots on Tuesday, July 5, starting at 6pm.

A simple catering will be proposed on the spot and you can already reserve your tables by contacting the Fences office by email at or by phone at +33 (0)2 31 90 9324.

The auction will be broadcast live on and you will be able to bid online provided you have registered in advance on Fences Web.

We hope to see many of you there to participate in the first edition of the Fences Selection Auction in Deauville, which is destined to become a new recurring and convivial event.

For all your questions, do not hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at +33 (0)2 31 90 93 24