This morning the Young riders were again the first to enter the arena at CDI Lier. This time it was the individual test. Charlotte Defalque and Botticelli (s. Vivaldi) won with a total of 70,579%. This combination was followed by the current belgian champion Sanne Kielenstyn and Air Miles Pb (s. Turbo Magic) with 69,737%. Third place was for the Netherlands with Zoë Booij and Wodan (s. Osmium) with 68,342%. Laurie Vervoort (Chester) and Victoria Maw (Bon Rouge Ch) got a fourth and fifth place with 67,368% and 67,158%. Charlotte Defalque was really happy about her test. Yesterday there were still some small mistakes but today it was much better. “Botticelli is growing in his performance. Also mentally he is much stronger.” Charlotte Defalque told us. She hopes that the Kür will be as good as the test today. “The accomodation in Lier is very good, I will come back in the future.” Said Charlotte Defalque.