For ten years the Association Compiegne Equestre, and its President Mrs. Monique MARINI, have attempted to promote the Dressage, thanks to the organization of famous competitions, within the prestigious Equestrian Stadium of the Town of Compiegne. The association, which was very quickly recognized for the quality of its organization and the place, integrated, by 2009, the Circuit of Grand National. The circuit was set up by the French Equestrian Federation and dedicated to the professional riders. It was in 2011, that the Association Compiegne Equestre organizes its first International Competition of Dressage (CDI). Over the years, its competitions did not cease improving so much that it organized in 2016 and for the first time in France, a FEI Nation Cup - CDIO 5*, that had met a great success. This seventh edition of CDI of Compiegne will be held from May 18th to May 21st, 2017. On schedule: the CDIO5*, a CDI 2* and 3*, as well as the CDI dedicated to Under-25 years (U25), Young riders (YR), Juniors (J) and Ponies (P). And new this year, the program will include an eight category dedicated to Young Horses (YH) from 5 to 7 years old. This competition will offer a complete programme of for various levels for riders and a prestigious show for the public. Only one stage of the Nations Cup is organized in France. Each stage of this circuit is considered as not to miss competition for the best riders in the world. Last year the Compiègne stage was won by the USA team. A varied program, great names of dressage among judges and riders, a unique event in France. This is the fifth edition of this circuit, created in 2013 for Dressage. Compiègne will be the second stage, and the only one in France. There will be only four stages FEI Nations Cup level 5 * in the world in 2017. The National Federations select the organizers from among the candidates before submitting them for approval to the FEI. Eight national teams of four couples, rider – horse, will be invited by the organization and will be selected by their federation (three couples at least): Belgium, Denmark, France, GreatBritain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and United States . These teams should represent some of the world's best riders. The Dressage Nations Cup was won in 2013 and 2014 by the Netherlands, then by Germany in 2015 and finally by the United States in 2016. The United States had also won the stage of Compiègne , Ahead of Sweden and France last year. This competition is composed of three events: - Grand Prix : Test n°24 – Saturday, May 20, 2017 Run by eight individual teams and four riders, the Grand Prix represents the highest level of technical difficulty. This test shows the rider's experiment and the horse's quality. - Special Grand Prix: Test n°25 – Sunday, May 21, 2017 Run by two riders of the team, selected by the team leader, it is appreciably the same technical difficulty than the first one, however it requires shorter time. - Grand Prix Freestyle to music: Test n°26 - Sunday, May 21, 2017 Run by the two other riders of the team and by individual riders. On the music of their choice, the riders will connect the same technical difficulties as the GP and GPS. Each test brings in points for the final ranking of the nations. The CDI 3* of Compiegne will be the third of the six stages of FFE DressTour. This category encompasses three tests, one per day: - Grand Prix: Test n°21 - Thursday, May 18, 2017. Thirty couples will be at the start. The CDI U25, Young Rider, Junior and Pony In the sight of the respective European Championships of Dressage to the various categories of the young riders, Compiegne will be a true rehearsal for them. New in 2017: the Compiègne Equestre Association has integrated a Young Horses category into its program. This will reveal the horses of the future of the High-level International Dressage. These categories are dedicated to horses aged 5 to 7 asn and already present a high quality. They will be presented on two events