Press Release : Jumping Mechelen. The Nürnberger WDM Dressage Grand Prix was won by Dutch rider Adelinde Cornelissen. With her seventeen year old Jerich Parzival NOP (KWPN, Jazz x Ulft), she obtained 77,740%. Patrik Kittel and Watermill Scandic (KWPN, Solos Care x Amiral) obtained the second place with 77,140%. Danielle Heijkoop and Siro NOP (KWPN, Gribaldi x Hemmingway) obtained 75,640% and the third place. The best Belgian in the Grand Prix was Jeroen Devroe. With his ‘new’ horse Eres DL, a ten year old Belgian Warmblood out of Sir Lui x Balzflug obtained a nice fifth place with 72,720%. Adelinde Cornelissen: “I came in and there was this huge camera. Parzival thought ‘wow, I hadn’t seen that one yet’! He stayed a bit tense during the test, but now that he has seen it, I know he will be more relaxed tomorrow and do even better!” Jeroen Devroe: “At the beginning of the year, I obtained 60% with Eres, so progressed nicely. We only rode 3 or 4 Freestyles, but considering his level of the moment he did well in Roosendaal. As always, I hope it will be better tomorrow, and I do not hide my ambitions: I want to ride him in Rio. '' Photo -