It was Isabell Werth who rode to a impressive score in de Grand Prix Freestyle qualifier in Stuttgart just now. Together with her Weihegold Old (by Don Schufro) she took over the lead with a score of 84.340%. For Kristina Bröring-Sprehe and her Desperados FRH (by De Niro) was there a score of 79.140% taking them to second place. Third place went to British rider Spencer Wilton and his De Niro son Super Nova II and a score of 74.980%. The top five was completed by Germans Fabienne Lütkemeier and her D'Agostino FRH ( by The Niro) in a fourth place with 74.820%, followed by Irish Judy Reynolds and her Vancouver K (by Jazz) with a score of 73.980%. Click here for all results