From April 6-10 Edward Gal will take part in the CDI3* Zeeland Outdoor International in Nieuw en Sint Joosland (NED). Initially Gal was to compete Glock's Undercover N.O.P. and his new mount GLOCK's Sir Schenkenberg. Schenkie”, is a ten-year old Sir Donnerhall x Larome offspring. He arrived at the GLOCK HORSE PERFORMANCE CENTER NETHERLANDS in July 2015: “It’s wonderful. He doesn’t have much tournament experience yet, but he does have enormous potential. I am happy and grateful that the Gaston and Kathrin Glock family bought him for me”, said Edward Gal proudly. GLOCK’s Sir Schenkenberg was brought up by Jochen Vetters (GER) and will start his international Career with Edward Gal. However yesterday's vetcheck decided otherwise. Just before the vetcheck 'Schenkie' didn't seem fir to compete. "One front leg is swollen and we will bring him to the vet asap. Let's cross our fingers it's nothing serious."