Just like last month it is a German trio that is in the lead of the new FEI dressage ranking. Isabell Werth, Kristina Bröring-Sprehe and Dorothee Schneider are in the lead of the ranking. After their Worldcup victory in Amsterdam last week, Werth announced beginning this week her Weihegold OLF will enjoy a competition break. In Amsterdam the pair confirmed their leader position and are still followed by Kristina Bröring-Sprehe with Desperados FRH (by De Niro) in a second place. Dorothee Schneider currently completed the top three with Showtime FRH (by Sandro Hit). In the top five Carl Hester jumps one spot up to the fourth place. Last weekend Hester collected the necessary points with Nip Tuck (by Don Ruto) after a second place in Amsterdam. The current top five is completed by USA's Laura Graves and Verdades (by Florett As). KLIK HIER VOOR DE LIJST