Germany's Para-Equestrian rider won't be able to count on her Olympic horse. Hannelore Brenner won't compete with Women of the World (by Walt Disney I) at the next Olympic Games in Rio 2016. Women of the World is to old to compete. Brenner doesn't agree with the statement of the German Equestrian federation. She thinks her 'Ollie', is fit to compete. However chef d'Equipe Bernhard Fliegl, doesn't think Brenner's horse is even an option for Rio. "After a long deliberation we decided not to risk it," states Fliegl. "There is a chance no accidents or other health issues will happen. Nevertheless we don't want to take the risk." Still Fliegl and the Federation are looking forward for Brenner's qualification with one of her other horses. According to Brenner's vet, her 'Ollie' its age shouldn't be any criteria for the qualification. If the horse is healthy and gets a regular check-up for her hearth and kidneys. "We'd prefered the decision had been taking in a discussion with us, rather as behind our backs."