Robbie Sanderson, a British groom working for the German Gold Medal team, got injured last night during the Medal ceremony at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. When the 9-year-old Cosmo 59, Sönke Rothenberger's horse, the horse reared and touched Robbie in the head. The groom fell down immediately. The horse was bleeding severe. Although Sanderson didn't pass out, he was transported to the hospital for further research. On his Facebook profile he announces to be 'ok'. "Cosmo spooked and jumped up, his right leg touched my groom's head. " states Sönke. "It seems like everyhting is ok now, and everything looked worse it is actually is. I am happy Robbie is ok..." For Robbie this is his fourth Olympic Games as a groom. Before he groomed for Spain's Beatriz Ferrer-Salat.